The bell curve is the Serpent With the lump in the middle Who ate Adam and Eve By convincing us we’re all mostly… But we’ve proven indigestible
Almost every student prefers and l… But will almost always take the vi… Because those classes are always e…
The cold war was a just war but a just war is still just war and war is hell
Hook-up apps have given intimacy all the allure of an oil change
In school they put me in the gifted class but as one of my favorite teachers finally put it “There’s just something missing”
The first time I went to a robot… I said it hurts when I do this just as I bared my soul and the robot doctor said Don’t do that
In order to live I can’t die (but you can) In order to live and let live I must (eventually) die
The faceless horde finds strength in numbers by losing themselves in the crowd But when your numbers are small
All fiction Is serious fiction Because all fiction Is life and death Everything on the internet
My mistake was Worrying they would throw me to th… Which is how wolves in sheep’s clo… Herd sheep I only escaped when I learned
I changed My mind By following My heart
One problem with civilization is that the people drawn to power are precisely those who lack it
Time flies when you’re having fun And the key to fun is wanting Not having
After you’ve uploaded everything t… and run the lot of it through the… be sure to recycle, but keep a lit… perhaps in a locket around your ne… or, if you go in for irony,
Get back! Problem is The internet will still be there w… Get back