Since seeing is believing all that we really want is kept out of sight, out of mind leaving everything we think we kno… to the imagination
I once heard of a person In this case a woman (Though it could just as easily ha… Who divorced her husband Explaining
When the dull knives are out and you say all the approved thing… in all the approved ways you have proved the silencing of dissent
It was easier to live the lie I w… Than to face the truth we all knew But eventually The truth blew up in my face And now it’s written all over my f…
We’ve taken the last ember in the ashes for a glimmer of hope
Most lives are lived in service to one institution or another but only very recently has this begun to feel
All fiction Is serious fiction Because all fiction Is life and death Everything on the internet
Narrow minds see The narrow odds of making their es… Cleaving to the straight and narro… They’ve cleaved the path in two And because they can still see no…
In the contest for your soul The devil has to play by God’s ru… You can’t ever get what you want Because you always become what you…
There’s always been a method to our madness Its latest name is the scientific method The madness is believing in
I’ve wasted most of my life wondering Why do I believe in God? when I should have been asking Why does God believe in me?
She believed me when I said that my life was based on a true story
It’s almost impossible to tell the difference between self-effacement and self-abasement In the former he stays down to earth
The difference between a black hole and a rabbit hole is that light can’t escape a black… but light can’t get in a rabbit ho…
My wife fell right back in love with me when we came up with a rubric