All fiction Is serious fiction Because all fiction Is life and death Everything on the internet
Life is a brief window of opportun… And the opportunity of a lifetime Consists of the chance To help turn the wheel of time Which turns everything towards the…
Most importantly, survival depends… your curated self lacking all self… This is best accomplished when you… lack all self-awareness, with you and your curated self
Riddle me this: The Riddler commits crimes of the… By loving each and every one of us… But always leaves clues behind In the form of a riddle
The banyan tree grows up around a host tree which eventually dies leaving the banyan hollow at its c…
Upon my retirement I thought to myself Maybe now I can get some work don…
I may not be the man who has everything but I’m the man who knows what to get for the man who has everything
The trick is to craft a conformism so elaborate that you convince yourself it’s bespoke
The lie you chose to believe Always contains the truth That has chosen you The lie is comforting Because the truth is disturbing
Two roads diverged the one to the left leading up the garden path the one to the right leading down the garden path
A wise man once told me that there are two kinds of family prob… He said Family Problem #1 is not having a family
The moment of truth has come and g… Leaving us with the whole truth: The best and worst is yet to come When there will be nothing but the… And you will only know the best fr…
It’s easy to choose between good and bad So, when there are no good choices most people take the easy way out
And just like that the safety of ironic distance gave way to the false intimacy of over-proximi…
I’ve wasted most of my life wondering Why do I believe in God? when I should have been asking Why does God believe in me?