Knowing is half the battle but it’s always been left unsaid t… the other half is feeling We can now definitively say that you’ll know the battle’s been…
Life is a talent show where most everyone is doing bad versions of easy impressions
God knows In a game of hide and seek The best place to hide everything Is right in front of your nose So, you’ll never believe what I j…
My social medi– a persona is the mime who just won’t shut up
If your phalanges cause you to philander pluck off the ring
Death and danger are our lot Look at what my kid can do is what’s been wrought
Fight fire With fire Accordingly, A bureaucracy can solve any proble… With more paperwork
Every time I screw up God says what He has to say and then He says Over and I always think
I trusted the process It wrought processed food I’m still processing
The most surprising aspect of the… though perhaps it shouldn’t have b… was the amount of paperwork it gen…
Nation-states are for the embodied Bodies are for souls Souls need everything in moderatio… Cyberspace is for cyborgs Cyborgs are for real
Privacy is when everyone can see you but no one is watching Surveillance is when no one can see you
I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right not to mean it
7 in 10 Americans believe in heave… while only 6 in 10 believe in hell which is why the house always wins
I’ve now reached the age when anticipation con– sists of nostalgia