If the world exists on a continuum between utopia and dystopia but instead of polar opposites utopia and dystopia are both hell then at the exact midpoint
The lion hasn’t lain down with the lamb if, in its slumber the lion dreams it’s a lamb
Just as birds regurgitate to feed their young human beings have culture
The path to victo– ry begins with laughing at yourself in defeat
Life may be defined by loss But the picture Next to the definition Depicts acceptance
Easy to please but problematic to appease
Under new management, hell now consists of friendly fire
My shampoo is nine– ty nine percent natural, as if that were enough
In five big boardrooms on Earth There soon came to be a great mirt… At the growth in net worth That fed on a dearth In all of the people’s self-worth
It’s not how well you prompt AI it’s how promptly you do so because he who laughs first will have the last laugh
Is being a conformist without a cause enough to qualify me as an antihero
If, as is said Fatigue is the enemy of courage Then the greatest strength is stam… And the genesis of stamina Is constant exertion
In the beginning of the internet the world wide web was brimming with optimism due to a recency bias
My favorite plot twists have always been quicksand and amnesia but I have this sinking feeling I’m forgetting something
With the same hubris That got us into this mess In the first place We like nothing more than to decla… Global warming is man-made