If your phalanges cause you to philander pluck off the ring
By now, everybody knows Rick Deck… So, we know that when replicants r… from slave labor they are hunted down and “retired”… in service to the true humans
Updating Nietzsche with a nod to Vince Lombardi Art isn’t the proper task of life; it’s the only task of life if life…
In days gone by we said you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink In these more opportune times it’s widely understood that
At first moving heaven and earth is its own reward because it’s hell on wheels But self-flagellation
Your brain doesn’t know the differ… between physical and psychological… knowing only what they have in com… Because both are life threatening your brain sends you into fight, f…
People are afraid of change so they change with the times
They call it open heart surgery But no one says open brain surgery Because, by default Our minds are closed And the only way to change minds
Science was happily letting the cat out of the bag until Schrodinger’s Cat was found in and out of the bag at the same time
We expect a fiduciary relationship with our financial advisors and all they do is help handle the money Yet we so often fail
The original version’s working title was The Giveth and Taketh Away Tree but Silverstein couldn’t get it published
Just when you think You’ve seen it all It all falls apart So, you put it back together again Thinking this time it’s forever
We put tracking collars around ani… We put smartphones in our hands And in holding them We have our hands around our necks
Denial leaves a vacuum that is ever filled by wishful thinking
My mistake was Worrying they would throw me to th… Which is how wolves in sheep’s clo… Herd sheep I only escaped when I learned