We have achieved the classless society: eve– rything is tacky
“A voice called out in the wildern… Clearing the way of the Lord Straightening a road in the desert For our God” Listen closely–
You always hear that technology is neutral but AI is like people in that its neutrality is mere obfuscation
If you’ve seen one mirror you’ve seen them all
The difference between sports and real life is that if Love played basketball against Empire, Hate, Violence and Death and won
The unconscious is to repression as The algorithms are to redaction
Seeing as I’m just the messenger It would be easier to tell you Than to show you Because words are all I’ve got But since, if I told you
The cold war was a just war but a just war is still just war and war is hell
I can’t guess your age but I can guess your age when you got that tattoo
When the world is a tsar Insisting: Don’t you dare be who… Take it as a dare and risk the sca…
Just as Tastes like chicken is code for I only want chicken I don’t know what I want
True belonging Allows for truth So, we belong to no one Even though we deserve each other
The answer man is left with a ques… What does a woman want? The question woman is stuck with a… A good man is hard to find but eas…
Immortality still involves death Because we all still fear death Enough to die from it Moshiach will be the one Whose immortality eliminates death
I finally realized that when Smokey Bear says Only you can prevent forest fires Only I really believe him