My dissertation defense fell apart even as I read my title– The Bronze Age: A Golden Age of…
If the truth were merely regarded as false it might still have found its purpose but once degraded into
A movement can only cohere around a shared wish and the left sticks together by collectively wishing that Jews deserve what they get
This is a much simpler question than What does a woman want? Hamas wants to kill all Jews in Israel
They call it open heart surgery But no one says open brain surgery Because, by default Our minds are closed And the only way to change minds
God loves you more than anyone els… But if you live in denial of this Inevitably you will come to believ… You are your own biggest fan As you stalk yourself
If, as is said Fatigue is the enemy of courage Then the greatest strength is stam… And the genesis of stamina Is constant exertion
The discomfort that Americans now all evince in one another used to be reserved for old people who get rich quick
Mid-life is when you realize you’re in a clown car The end of life is about accepting that of all the clowns
The older I get the less I pause for effect This is because the clock is ticking and I’d rather not waste my time
The rug saves its harshest critique for the carpet
The lamppost is an outpost Where it’s safe to admit That between you, me, and the lamp… Self-knowledge is over-rated Self-deception is automated
There Is Always Room For
The usual cruelty Is having multiple children And enforcing a hierarchy In order to keep the peace Unusual cruelty
Is it live? Let’s go to instant replay For constant analysis While we wait and see And while we wait for it