Cyberspace is an unmaker’s space where we make the tech to unmake the people to make the money And though you can prepare
God knows that the only thing you can give the man who has everything is another chance
A meaning than which nothing greater can be conceived must exist; it’s up to each of us to find it
You will have noticed by now That the phrase Public humiliation Is redundant
Scientists insist that 95% of the… consists of undetectable, unknowab… because this belief makes their ca… Like you and me the little that they do know
Thinking that the purpose of life… things looked good enough on the s… to believe that my life was 24-karat gold Who knew that the purpose of beaut…
The biggest change Since I found God Is who I am Trying to impress Which is how you know
Time is a one way road that only goes forward so that you know which direction t… but you can still go the wrong way down a one way road
If you can get what you want you’re selling yourself short
What I lack in subtlety I make up for in volume
They used to give me Birthday presents Now they give me A wide berth
Anticipation or dread work equally well at stopping time though the length of the work week
I’ve been racking my brains for the perfect response to accusations of perfectionism only to land at a conundrum: a confession of false modesty is
You’ll know you’ve weathered their gaslighting if you feel dazed but not confused
7 in 10 Americans believe in heave… while only 6 in 10 believe in hell which is why the house always wins