If you do the right thing you won’t be rewarded but you will be enabled
Lao Tse said of the Tao that “You can use it any way you want” Jacques Lacan further insisted th… you should only use it the way you… when he said
Everyone thinks Vladimir and Estr… stay together because they’re both waiting for Godot when really it’s their mutual disdain for Wile E. Coyote
Why is there something rather than nothing? Because nothing is impossible
In school they put me in the gifted class but as one of my favorite teachers finally put it “There’s just something missing”
Our view from the mor– al high ground was blocked by the Mt. Rushmore of golf
Ours is a culture of low tolerance masquerading as a culture of low risk tolerance
You know a hipster is aging gracef… When he comes to see that Objects in mirror Are closer than they appear
Telling ourselves half-truths Is worse than telling ourselves li… Because Although the truth will set you fr… Just as you can’t be half pregnant
You can cash in on your talent You can cash in on your good looks You can cash in on your hard work You can cash in on your good luck You can even cash in on all four
Just as a lucky horseshoe works Whether you believe in it or not As long as the competition to pass… Goes on forever Then everyone’s a winner
The answer man is left with a ques… What does a woman want? The question woman is stuck with a… A good man is hard to find but eas…
It’s not a real collection Unless It’s unsatisfying It’s not real money Until
We’re always free to serve ourselves– Liberation is the process of freely choosing to serve others
God broke in half-way through my prayer and said You’re on mute