Do I still get credit For ignoring the critics If they are just the voices in my…
Riddle me this: The Riddler commits crimes of the… By loving each and every one of us… But always leaves clues behind In the form of a riddle
Antizionism feels powerful Because it claims the authority Of giving permission to hate But the feeling is soon vanquished Requiring another hit of hate
Accustomed to the view from their… the rich had no idea they were fas… a very steep waterfall
In inter-family feuds eventually the gloves come off but in intra-family feuds the masks come off
Human beings evolved to avoid face-to-face conflict which was why until very recently everybody was talking behind each…
It would have been enough Had God merely kept His promises But since He knows a thing or two About human psychology God always under-promises and over…
The only thing more threatening th… Is change So, the most courageous person is… Stands up in public and announces… What counts as change?
History won’t begin when we elimin… hoping that now everyone will get… Because step 1 in ending status i… and step 2 turns out to be elimina… This simulacrum that we live in ai…
As an individual human being I could never really know who you think I am so, I had to imagine it But as a networked cyborg
Much like God created the univers… Where before there was no universe… In this universe we find patterns Where, upon first glance There are no apparent patterns, ju…
I am a minimalist if only because it requires minimal effort
The realist doesn’t look at clouds… that describes the escapist The realist looks at clouds and se… from her childhood
Death and danger are our lot Look at what my kid can do is what’s been wrought
Gracious me! Now that college Has become a finishing school There are no starter homes