
to fade away

I’m here busy,
working so hard,
trying to build myself back up,
from the pain u left behind,
but u seem to cross my mind,
everyday that goes by,
I thought u was gone like the wind,
but I didn’t realize,
how much I loved that wind,
yet I’m here so cold,
blocking away all those things,
that had once given me warmth
after you,
I cannot be with anyone else,
I tried to be,
yet because he found out of u,
it all broke down,
damn wtf did I do,
I guess for loving u,
this is all I deserve,
I deserve something forbidden,
someone I cannot have,
a love that can seem so wonderful,
but also be da deepest wound,
it rips out my heart,
yet without it,
it maintains me alive,
this shit is just so real,
too real to walk away from,
fuk sometimes I’m angry at myself,
for caring about u so much,
ur behind bars,
and I thought I had moved on,
I felt good not knowing about u,
even if I thought of you every day,
but I’m stupidly believing and hoping for u,
now that your sentenced,
ur gonn b out soon,
I’m not sure how to feel,
or what I should do,
no one has cared for me as much as u do,
but no one has been the devil,
that fell inlove with my soul,
I knoe it makes no sense,
but theres a mind out there thatll think about it,
damn how do I knoe if I love u,
I wish I could know.

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