Chaos chemistry In dreamy eyes Only true love exists The rest lies Lies told
Big and beautiful dreams picture perfect reality of the heart and mind Alive in fantasy In the morning sunshine
My main squeeze Saturday afternoon Weekday bruises Never gone too soon Over yonder
The river has run dry No fruit upon the vine Creatures abounding in the heat, caves and valleys discreet Nothing left to do
Her High flying moon sunshine nothin but all sees All in the evening seized Underneath seas of tired cosmic st…
In the middle of the night Spooked scared I’m full of fright By the night owls Lonely wolves
The lonely wolf cries When she is all alone Howling at the moon Her moans echo in the night sky And she weeps
When im sad and lonely Feeling blue I think of all The things that you do Your love warms my heart
Oil leaks and elbow grease Men at work Tuesdays through the week Thursday eve comes Birthing of Fridays oblique
Five O Three Cruising down the highway The stolen vehicle Sunroof down Gleaming in the sunlight
Ice cracked bones Heart made of stone The statue sits upon its throne All alone birds tend Her loneliness
Haunted by the howling wind Blinded by the moonlight Broken By and by without care Victimized by the fright
In the old neighborhood Ms Martha owns an old stone home The grandest made of granite and s… Tall white pillars Long wide windows and
Bad mouths Bad words Sick of them Ridicule Nah
Broader concepts of the new day Half risen sun on the horizon Bright is the bay Beneath the glowing stratosphere Clarity, warmth