angel mermaid lost at sea one day she will be back visiting the sailors’ dreams she was beautiful
Cobwebs in my mind Sand in my eyes Outside the birds chirp Their delightful surprise Gentle breezes
Chaos chemistry In dreamy eyes Only true love exists The rest lies Lies told
Liquid Soul Liquid soul oozes thru The blues man’s tunes His Raspy bellowing voice Reverberating
Hawks say no Jones in I don’t want x wife Lost love Fading into
En Route En route’ Life aint nothing But a Traffic jam
Scarecrow The witness of silent lightning Hears the first crack of thunder As the animals flee Rain starts to fall
Growing tired As the sun dips into the sea Growing tired Autumn leaves Falling from the trees
Her summery spirit and winterly bl… Seemingly Eternal and Alive in the myths of the ages Resented by some Embraced by sages
Waves crashing along the seaside Beneath the diamond lit night Dreams and fantasies In the slipstream Fading out of sight
Oil leaks and elbow grease Men at work Tuesdays through the week Thursday eve comes Birthing of Fridays oblique
Big and beautiful dreams picture perfect reality of the heart and mind Alive in fantasy In the morning sunshine
Flames burning higher and higher The skies on fire Blue bullets rip Before I can kiss her goodbye The mermaids swim through
The right song The right tune Solace of symphonies The illuminated path To the moon
Upon the mountaintop In my efforts —to reach the heavens —To touch the skies God listens