Vic Evora

Where the Sea Meets the Sky

Where the sea meets the sky
At the edge of nowhere
Where the ocean drops to an abyss,
I hear sounds of mirth and laughter…
For a kingdom lies there
Mysterious and mystical
Breath-taking and fantastic
Ethereal and truly magical…
A golden castle sits atop a hill
Its tower surveys the vast domains
Fields of green and winding streams
Orchards and ice-capped mountains…
Over there, it is always spring
Neither hot nor cold; flowers bloom
Rains once a week, on Thursday night
Verily, it is heaven’s anteroom…
The denizens are warm and welcoming
Smiles encouraged; frowns not allowed
Royals rule with benevolence
Loved by all, there’s no doubt…
I have been there many a time
When I was but a little child
I would stay there for many hours
When nights are dark and wild…
Every time I go, I wanted to stay
But sadly, I always have to leave
When the sun rises and morning comes
Sadness filled me but I did not grieve…
For I knew evening is but hours away
I could go back, visit paradise again
See beauty; marvel at all the wonders
Laugh and frolic in the tree-lined plain…
When I grew up, I visited less and less
For the dark nights scared me no more
Finally the portals to the kingdom closed
I wore out my welcome heretofore…
Now, I am at the winter of my life
I reminisce about those days, and I sigh
Every time I look at the far horizon
Where the sea meets the sky!
© Vic A Evora


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