Vic Evora


Without a commitment to forgive
To start afresh and anew each day,
The heart hardens; unwilling to give;
Love loses its luster and fades to gray
Failure to forgive rings the doorbell
For the evil one to infiltrate our hearts
Left unchecked, usually the death knell
To a lifetime of romance; as love departs!
Unforgiveness lays to waste intimacy,
Romantic passion becomes an orphan;
Overwhelmed by cynicism and negativity;
The heart cast adrift in a turbulent ocean
When the sun sets on an act unforgiven
Bitterness festers; and resentment too!
Unresolved anger makes life a prison
With such a burden, love will bid adieu!
So choose to forgive; let not your anger
Welcome the evil one to spread his lies…
For truly, rage is never the answer;
Suffer little things; it’s been proven wise
Decide to forgive before you sleep
Or ask forgiveness, if such is the case,
If pride is let go, love you forever keep
And your life will overflow with grace!
© Vic A Evora

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