My very first attempt to write a poem using the 5-7-5 haiku format. So please be kind!
The poem itself describes the dichotomy of nature, its amazing beauty as well as its inherent cruelty.
In a corner Of the desolate and foreboding gra… Lies a tomb with a remarkable marb… The epitaph Here lies a man. He got his just…
center ‘twas dark at break of dawn; with just a hint of light a faint glow, at the edge of the dark frothy sea
As I grow old and grey, days get… Myself, I find preoccupied with d… That moment I surrender my last b… Wondering what lies beyond life’s… Will my parting be painful and dra…
This poem is ugly; it’s brutal too But it’s my honest point of view I love my city and will always do So surely, this poem makes me blue… ***
Infinite, limitless, boundless Continuous, unbroken, incessant Concepts beyond my comprehension..… Constant, uninterrupted, endless I gaze at the heavens and I see
And so on this beautiful day of sp… We honor the brave who died for us… They have shed their blood to let… Let their names be etched on the h… 05-31-2021
Dedicated to my Dear Wife The cloudy sky’s in white and shad… This early morning, as it waits fo… The sun’s putting on a magical sho… Turning raven clouds to deep indig…
center A Soul’s Journey Mindless cacophony Movements in helter skelter In the hustle and bustle
Seventy five, a milestone That I thought I’d never reach Tis dusk, I face the unknown In my life’s secluded beach I think about tomorrow
creatures grotesque, marbled wildl… stood on towers, lined up on rooft… of the gothic cathedral; muted sen… to ward off evil, calamities and m… for centuries the stone ogres vict…
What if? What if he wins? What fate awaits us? What kind of future awaits our cou… A future gloomy at best
A Sonnet Unforgiving fortunes, hammered by… His lonely existence somewhat unki… Fair worldly success he could neve… His best efforts always little too…
o’er the still waters faint glimme… done! the reign of darkness, the e… dark clouds unraveled to welcome t… and farther east brand-new day has… the dawn upon us; voiding the shad…
So I asked my wife today Just what I should write about Quizzical she looked at me Perplexed that I asked, no doubt Just like this dread pandemic
Hot embers on a blust’ry arctic ni… Hardly a flicker, not a star on si… Horned horse in my dream, unicorn… Pow’r and gentleness; signs the fu… Hot beads flow slowly down my furr…