Caricamento in corso...
Vic Evora

Bluer Than Blue

The morning sky is bluer than blue
No clouds anywhere to block the sun
The ocean took on the celestial hue
And the far hills the color of cyan!
Sadly, an east wind rallies at noon
And drags dark nimbus clouds along
All the trees sway; no one’s immune
Birds and crickets cease their song...
The afternoon sky is greyer than grey
Layers of leaden clouds rule heaven
Zeus, thunder and lightning did obey
And it seems the world is unforgiven!
Thus, the day of a lovely sunset bereft
No vermillion hues to decorate the sky
The passage into night, all that’s left
And the universe gives a plaintive sigh
The midnight sky is blacker than black
Dark rain clouds hide the moon and stars
Gone, the constellations of the zodiac
Gloom envelopes all in the witching hours
Lo! As dawn comes, a wind from the west
Pushes the stubborn raven clouds away
The black velvet skies immensely blest,
As points of light appear in random array
And so, the morning sky is bluer than blue
To augur the beginning of a glorious day
A cycle complete, another starts anew
Kinder perhaps, all creatures hope and pray!
© Vic A Evora

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