
My Lover

We tell jokes over dinner
Before heading back home
To my little apartment
Where a movie awaits to be seen.
The bowl of popcorn sits between us
As we watch our movie
Suddenly all becomes silent
The movie stops, the screen goes black
I turn to you as your lips meet mine
Slowly, but with passion
Our passion gains more heat
Until neither of us can take it anymore
Strong arms lift me from the couch
As we continue to kiss
Carrying me to the room
Clothes being pulled away from me
Hastily tossed on the floor of the room
Leaving a trail from the door
Until the bed, where I now lay.
Our kiss then seizes
Your arms around me
Your warm touch grazing
Across my cold bare skin,
Heated by your touch
Like ice licked by flames.
Nothing left to keep from your reach
Giving you everything, finally.
Every part of me is yours now
Just like perfection
You move so slowly
Taking time to enjoy the moment.
Leaving me in this state.
Waiting for you, in love with
The way you move, how you touch
Like nothing could ever compare
Makes me feel different; special
Wanting you even more
Than I wanted before
Your lips meet mine again
This time with a new feeling
An unexplained intensity
Never experienced before now
Continuing to grow stronger.
The two of us become one
So quickly. So blissfully
As our passion continues to grow
Proving the love that’s been for so long
Better than I ever imagined

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