
So I'll Just Wait Here In Bed...

Sleep is haunted
with his words,
that keep me awake tonight.
They usually bid me a good night kiss,
and tuck me in
knowing he’s alright.
But tonight it’s different,
because his words are gone,
the air is vacant,
I can’t hear his soft song
of I love you baby bear,
don’t worry about me,
dream sweet dreams
hopefully about the
life we’ll have together eventually.
But tonight I hope and pray,
to a god I don’t believe in,
that I’ll get the clear and the go,
that I’ll get that I’m safe and sound message.
But it hasn’t come tonight,
and all day there hasn’t been a word from him.
He’s quiet like a mouse in the night,
and every inch of my being is afraid for him.
So I’m laying in my bed,
trying not to let the tears escape,
because I can’t go another couple days
without talking to him
not knowing if he’s okay.
He promises me one day he’ll
put that ring on my finger,
and marry me without a second thought
in his mind.
He tells me every night
that he would marry me in a heartbeat,
that he would die to hold my hand.
But I’m afraid because
I never heard those words tonight...
And I don’t know where the hell he is.
And I’d be the last to know if he died
because the girlfriend always is.
So here I am in bed,
with an empty vacant spot that’s his.
Hoping that he hasn’t lost a limb or two,
praying that it’s not his head.
He finally told me
what keeps crossing his mind,
suicide haunts a soldiers thoughts
he tells me,
there’s nothing more to think about
when you’re stuck in Afghanistan
away from the ones you love...
With the possibility of death
every where you go,
and the constant battle of trying
to not let go.
But reenlisting he’s adamite on.
He says it’s just all stress,
now I don’t understand
the army quite that well,
but I understand him.
I know him better than he knows himself,
and I know he can’t do this again.
So as the tears break through
the baracades that I set so high
I’ll just continue to lay in this bed alone,
waiting for the safe and go,
I love you so,
I’m safe baby bear,
I love you,
gotta go.
Or the the call I dread,
or the everlasting silence,
or the call of death that starts with
“I’m so sorry Miss...”
So I’ll just wait here in bed...


My boyfriend is in the military, and last night and all day yesterday I didn't hear from him. I was so upset and worried.

#HopeLove #Military #Scared #Sleep #Worried

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