Caricamento in corso...



Sleep? what’s that?
The dictionary defines it the way the writers wrote it as
You have your own definition  about it
Well, I have my own opinion about it
Sleep is what makes one feel better after
I guess it’s the medication the doctors can’t even prescribe
Imagine paying hundreds of rands
Only to find that the prescription says sleep
How would you feel?
Cheated or robbed?
Sleep is good
As it heals us
What about the fact that
When one takes a sleep
He never wakes up again?
Imagine saying sleepwell to your loved one
Only to find out that is the last word you ever said to him
Does that mean you wished him a good death?
Imagine reading this and it happens that
This is the last thing I ever wrote
How does one take a good sleep
Not knowing when his day will come?
Nobody knows his day of leaving this cold cruel world, right?
So, this could be the last day I enjoyed, right?
If somebody sleeps and dies
Don’t be shocked
Just try to make every minute count
Enjoy with those who wish you good
As well as those who don’t want you to make it
Remember, you don’t know if you will never wake up on that sleep.
Goodnight. Sleepwell

I wrote this after the great day I had. I didn't want to sleep since I was scared that I might wake up a different person.
