

Friends are like the sun
They come and go
Never stick together in the world
My own group of friends are slowly fading
Into the darkness
I’m not ready for this for things to change
I just want my world to stay the same
Or else I might go away
My heart breaks as friends fade away
Still hoping that things stay the same
My world is changing
Slowly fading as we’re changing
I’m crying from my heart
They say things like it’s complicated
Like I can’t under stand
Like I’ve never been like that before
To feel alone, sad, rejected
You don’t think I feel that way
You treat me like a child
Not that I really care
But it get annoying
I can do things my self
Understand things
Not that you’d know what that feels like
All you know is that I’m happy and easy going
Well under this mask
Is the real me no one has ever seen
I keep it on so no one
Knows who I am
So they can’t hurt me
Insult me
The real me is weak
Emotional, useless
I often cry when alone
I feel as if I’m ignored by most
But I still want things to stay the same
But you know what
I think things should change
I’ll take off my mask
Let you hurt me and insult me
I think I’ll stay with my friends
Stay together forever
In my own world
So as I sit here crying
As you see the real me
The one no one see
Wouldn’t you regret being me
But I’m happy just being

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