
The Heart of War

For worldly things this flesh does yearn; the things which we desire, The things that please the pangs of lust, this body does require.
Wants of every shape and size, our thoughts these things command, Our mind it doesn’t ask of us, instead it does demand.
The thoughts come quickly of these things, brought on in several ways, They torture us and will not stop, the heart’s intent it sways.
These thoughts they’re borne of senses all, the likes of sound and sight, They cater to our urges strong, then caution is in flight.
Urges nothing more are they, than thoughts that bring elation, Lured and enticed by our desire, we fall into temptation.
Now once desire has then conceived, it gives new birth to sin, Which quickly grows into the act and brings forth death again.
There’s one thing I can guarantee, of this repeating pattern, That much of life is spent in it, how much, well that’s the matter.
Now of the types of sins there are, they range from big to small, But let’s define the source, it’s when to selfishness we fall
It says in 1 John 2:16, “For all that’s in the world”, The problem’s made known in this text, the meaning is unfurled
Lust of the flesh is selfishness, it revels in our pleasures, To fill the gaping maw of want, there’s no end to our measures.
There are so many things we see, to selfishness give rise , 'Cause sight will lead to coveting, and that’s lust of the eyes.
The third type of self sated sin, deeply rooted is the strife, Ambition paired with a mind so vain, it’s called the pride of life.
We are told to try and overcome, these things that make us stumble, If we continue in these sins, His children will He humble.
I speak as one who knows that from your sins you cannot hide, Devastating was the fall that day, resulting from my pride.
The pattern’s written there in James, which I followed to a tee, And the types well they came easy so I mastered them all three.
Inspiration I had lots, yet all derived from self, Should have been pride, instead His Word was put up on the shelf.
I chose the pleasures of my sin to enjoy for a season, Then heartache and regret I owned, and that choice was the reason.
But now today I’m basking in true joy and loving favor, The grip He holds upon my heart insures that I’ll not waver.
I’m certain there’s a lesson here, just look I’m sure you’ll see, For this l learned that less of self, is more of Christ in me
So on your own now see a movie need and learn on Him to call, Pride goeth ‘fore destruction, and ’fore arrogance a fall!


Speaking of the impact which pride has on man, it's consequences and the regret it spawns.

#Christ #Church #God #HolyJesus #Lust #Pride #Regret #Religion #Religious #Spirit

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