
Abode of Memories

I first saw her with no decor,
Glad why was chosen for,
Started to acquaint freshness and harmony,
Simplicity, comfort, so were added many,
She called me her host,
As she found me alone most,
Cozy and warm,
Added to her charm,
Good or bad moments, say,
She tend to keep 'em everyday,
She, my HOME was my first place,
Before I started my wedded life, I embrace,
Wish I had option any, but to leave,
Tears, I had on the day and eve,
She saw me stressed and in grief,
She’d understand, my belief,
Mid pleasures and palaces though I may roam,
Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home,
My first HOME, she will always be,
Has 'em all, memories with me,
Nothing for her, I wrote,
Wish I left her a happy note,
It was just a moment, not so neat,
That I try hard to forget and beat.

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