
Ecstasy of the Cool

Hell’s inferno riding upon the searing skin
choirs singing excerpts from the devil’s hymn
sliding through the fissures into the tender nerves
no stopping, no mercy, right on through the curves
an assault upon all living things inside of man
in faithful obedience to the devil’s command
burning up the flesh and aiming at the inside
on a conspiratory mission upon an intensive ride
with torches blazing and aiming at the core
and battle cries above the demon lion’s roar
all hell comes to be inside the hallowed fields
a feeling as to know how a blazing fire feels
trapped inside the flames as the devil smiles
a victim of his schemes and his savage guiles
but then the soothing air of the kind arctic beasts
putting out the fires while the devil feasts
blowing down to the core of the body of man
the cool winds of a heroic colossal fan
the saving grace of the Gods of the north
alerted by the agonizing screams to come forth
coming to rescue mankind from the devil’s wrath
on a mission of mercy racing upon a frigid path
“Thank you, thank you, thy arctic Gods,
thou heroic winds of the northern climes,
for the soothing coolness upon my skin
that brought me to the heigths of my ecstasy.”

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