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Mother knows best

By: Rafika Pahud

Generally the man works hard for his wife while the lady of the house cooks and cleans for her husband and small kids.

The husband slaps his wife  but she continues to have a bright smile on her face for her own sanity and her lovely kids.

She drinks her dark coffee and her daughter struggles to grab the coffee cup from her hand but she  holds on to it tightly.

I’m better at cooking a warm delicious pot roast than my own mother. I have a small generational feud going on with her and I hope I win this time. I don’t like how my mother tells me what to do every day like brush my teeth and eat more broccolis. She controlled me all my life and I can’t get out of my own house without her judging me and I wish she can just stop towering over me and let me live a good happy normal non judgmental  life.

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