
Elementary school Days

I don’t like you Mr. Anderson cuz
I think you are too vanilla to my ice coffee mocha.
I think you wear too much pinkish makeup Ellen Mayfair from Pennsylvania or wherever heck you came from.
Are you a scared little  boy or a big strong freakish man Mr. Heck? My elementary school PE teacher.
Time to dance the night away and turn it into gold Mrs. Compost from English Literature in high school.
Screw your bookish type of a mother and then I twist your father’s pants into tight knots in the bed post.
Do I climb the social ladder or do I gently unscrew the cork from the bottle and pour myself a nice glass of cherry wine that I lick my tongue around my luscious pink succulent lips when I taste it. Oh so good! I cry out in a joyful excited manner.

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