
Rachel Phipps

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away....

A baby was born and her parents compromised on her name.  Her father wanted her to be named Rachel, her mother wanted Heather....so they named her Rachel Heather.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away....

A baby was born and her parents compromised on her name.  Her father wanted her to be named Rachel, her mother wanted Heather....so they named her Rachel Heather.

Fast forward 8 years, this little girl wrote her first song after a dream she said where she was in a strange mall and she was singing to a little boy.  The song was about love, but what did she know of love?  Strange times.

She stood up on the stage as a little angel although a little devil was she. She loved to pretend to be someone else and have everyone adore her and think she was a precious child.

Fast forward 9 more years, and this pretty teen was at the pinnacle of her success.  She was queen of the hill, on top of the world, nothing could stop her.  Started working at the young age of 14, started smoking and drinking alcohol at the same age.

She had a dark side, a "bad" side.  She wanted to be bad and her writing at the time reflected it.  At church, she was miss goody two shoes but with her true friends she was someone else.

Fast forward to 2002.  She had been to college, had a couple nervous break downs, and came home with her tail between her legs.  It really sucked to go home to her mother who had told her not to go away to college.  She studied writing and wrote some amazing stuff while taking several writing classes.  So now she had a good job as a manager at a water company, but her life was falling apart.  She had another break down, and when she came back to work she was offered pot and didn't refuse.  She started listening to Eminem and was horrified when she realized how bad some of  his lyrics really were.

Fast forward to 2006.  Obsessions ran amuck, and several stints in the hospital had no effect on her craziness.  Writing like mad, she let her obsessions run wild.  she had to give up her apartment and her rights to her money, and start at the bottom of the heap.  She was no longer queen of the hill.

Fast forward to now.  My mental illness is pretty much under control, although i do have some symptoms.  Medication, counseling, and education have been doing wonders.  And I've been writing again.  I feel like I'm on top of the world.
