Caricamento in corso...


The Psychiatrist told me I was crazy
I guess what she says is true
I always thought everyone had these thoughts
In existentialism, I stewed
My mind goes on rides all around the world
I think about it a lot
How did we get here? What do we do?
A bug of questioning I caught
What is my purpose, how do I contribute?
These questions hum in my head
The doctor says that’s OCD
She put me on medicine instead
How do I explain the joy of a diagnosis?
I now belong to a tribe
It is 2022 after all
I might as well enjoy this ride
I can already feel the medicine working
How much more joyful can I get?
The side effects too many to count
I can hardly handle these night sweats
But now I can ponder with peaceful thoughts
I don’t have to fear
I can stew without stressing
The future looks so damn clear

Piaciuto o affrontato da...
Altre opere di R. Ackourey...
