
The Sacred Rains

July 19, 2013
Chicago, Illinois
On a brutally hot night
Ed stood beneath the scoreboard
of the ballpark he loves
to share the music he and his band
have given to the world.
It wasn’t long before
rains started to fall,
bringing everyone together
in a seemingly endless wait
for the show to carry on.
When the concert resumed
the rainwater’s scent
lingered in the outfield air.
Ed then shared a story
about his meeting with Ernie,
who suggested that
a song should be written
about their shared experiences.
Ed responded by
describing a moment
which neither of them
had ever seen before.
After telling his story
about the song’s creation
Ed began singing
to those who understood
what waiting was all about.
Ernie then came onstage
and helped to sing the song
that Ed had written
at his suggestion.
The assembled crowd
joined in the singing
and were transformed into pilgrims
embarking upon a journey
toward a glorious destination.
November 2, 2016
Cleveland, Ohio
More than 1,000 days had gone by
since the song had united Ernie and Ed
with everyone in attendance that night.
Yet more than just days had elapsed,
since the song’s inspiration
had also departed from this world.
Their cherished and shared objective
appeared to be slipping away
from the team that was seeking
to end their long wait, at last.
When, as had happened before
on that hot night in Chicago,
rain began falling from the sky.
Could it be that Ernie—
newly relieved of
his earthly limitations—
had summoned forth the moisture
which allowed the song’s vision
to blossom into reality?
Ed was there bearing witness
while the rest of the pilgrims returned,
whether in body or in spirit,
to the place where the sacred rains had fallen
and their glorious journey had begun.
Otras obras de R. Lincoln Harris...
