

Everyone wishes for a “better” life
in some ways.
A bigger house in a
more desireable neighborhood.
A sportscar or an SUV that
gets better gas mileage
or is the most recent model available.
But what happens if you actually get it?
Would having a bigger house mean
you wouldn’t also want
to put a swimming pool
in the back yard?
Or would the newer car
still be acceptable
if it didn’t have
all the features you wanted
or was only available in gray?
The main question is
Can what you have ever
really be good enough?
Because other people wish
They had what you’ve got.
You might not know them personally,
And they might not know you either,
But wanting something different
something “better”
is a condition as old
as humanity itself.
So maybe just
count your blessings
and realize that
no human
will ever be perfect.
Perhaps that “better” person
Doesn’t—or even can’t—exist
Except in your imagination.
Other works by R. Lincoln Harris...
