

The week’s fly past in the blink of an eye
One moment you’re born, the next you die
No—one knows when, where or how
That is kept secret, for now.
How long left ‘til that time comes?
How much longer with our loved ones?
Will I get chance to say ‘goodbye’?
Will someone be there when I die?
Live life to the full we hear them say,
Live for the moment, cherish each day,
For me that’s easier said than done
Though today my time could come
One moment is June, the next December
My memory fades, I struggle to remember
Was that really that long ago?
I don’t want to forget, I need to know
Some days were great, others so hard
I battled through and came out scarred
Those are the times that made me
Am I now the person I want to be?
I need my friends and family close
For when live serves up another dose
Of hurt and pain on me or them
I must keep smiling until then


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