
The Gentle Green Song of Mary

We sing the praise of cannabis
Our song tis one of holy bongs
Our melody of resinous reverie
We sing proud and triumpantly
An indica and sativa symphony
High toned chorus of harmony
A stoned bunch singing in glee
And praising cannabis benefits
Singing our green hymn of leaf
Out lyrical liturgy of phat spliffs
Our call to cannabis advantage
And weed protective goodness
With sweet high voice we chant
An hypnotic beat of herb truths
We sing the praise of a miracle
Of wonderous plants of healing
And the anointing oil of hashish
The medicinal relief of cannabis
The swift natural treatment and
Therapeutic use of hemp flower
The preventative panacea power
Of the greater healer of humanity
We sing praises of holy cannabis
Bud merits accolade an’ research
We praise cannabis’ gentle touch
We sing songs in honour of Mary

Otras obras de Qanubast Verse...
