
Viva la musica

My first poem ever

You could take a rope and wrap it around my neck like a python around it’s prey, pull it taut until I gasp for air turning blue in the face. Tighter and tighter till all life has vanished.

You could lock me in a dungeon and throw away the keys. This shall matter not for through those steely guards, I shall still hear the music.  

The beat, the rhythm that flows through your vains. The beat of your heart like a drum. Music is everywhere in everything and everyone. It’s in the rustle of the leaves, the trickle of the rain, the clicking of a pen. For me, it is the very essence of existence.

Life without music is like a curry without spice; tasteless and uninspiring. Asking me to live a life without music is like giving a blind man a book and asking him to read. It’s like trying to paint a rainbow in black and white.

Since the inception of time, music has symbolised the very cheerful sound of the celebration of birth and is even present in the mourning of death. It’s present in the crisp crack of a refreshing can of coke to a dry, thirsty, throat. But most of all, it is present in the deepest part of you. In your very soul. A communication link of sorts, directly to your pulse. It has the power to uplift your spirit and stir within you, feelings.

Feelings of longing to a lover, feelings of joy to a child, feelings of sadness to a loved one. It can bring back the demons of your past or make you feel the warmth of the sun in the seyshells at the very moment they played your favorite song.

To have been given the gift of music is like receiving a pair of wings, infinite freedom in times of sadness. To free your spirit so that you may soar into the heavens and sing to the angels. When I hear music, I feel alive to the world and the world feels alive to me.


This was the first poem I ever wrote at the age of 16. It is raw and unfinished I know, but it would be interesting to get some constructive feedback on the poem and it's contents. I already have some ideas for improvement. Leave a comment :) I will post more recent work soon.

