

Lost in a dessert
inside your own head.
Not being able to know
whether you’re alive or dead.
The feeling of no feeling,
And the only sound you hear…
Is the sound of maniacal laughter.
That seems to be coming from nowhere.
Your chest tightens,
But you cant feel the pain.
you know you’re not delirious,
but everyone thinks you’re insane.
You know your heart’s still beating,
but you feel very much dead.
It’s impossible to unravel
these thoughts within your head.
You hear the pounding sound
of your own agonizing heart ache.
your eyes overflow with water,
like a dam about to break.
You try to escape the voices,
no hiding place to find.
Well stop running you fool!
You cant escape your own  mind.
Where will you go
where you wont carry your own head?
It must be beneath the grave stone
inside where you’d lay dead…

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