#English #Women
MOST blessed one, how can I let… Canst thou forswear the nightingal… Stay the young sea from following… Bid hyacinth put out her blue ligh… Thou art not mine but Me! and bei…
Between two common days this day w… When Love went to the ending that… His seamless robe was rent, his bo… He took at last the sponge’s bitte… A simple day the dawn has watched…
Do you remember, Leda? There are those who love, to whom… Great gladness: such things have n… Love looks and has no mercy, bring… Long doom to others. Such was I.
REEDS, snake-like, coiled in the… Where the low fog drives: The muddy cough of the stream that… To free its throat from the clot o… As they fight it out the water and…
Here in a quiet and dusty room the… Faded as crumbled stone or shiftin… Forlorn as ashes, shrivelled, scen… Meadows and gardens running throug… In this brown husk a dale of hawth…
DEAD man! will you ride with me, As you rode that night of yore, Will you ride with me, once more To Tintagel by the sea? When those savage words were said—
DRINK of our Cup—of the red win… All the wild shames that have crus… Passion that twists in it, Madnes… Fever that yearns in it, Folly th… Drink of our Cup! It is Love, it…
CHANGE shall accustom me in aft… To kingdom’s builded on life’s ove… Onward with other poets I shall g… Unpraised of thee. though praised… Until the vine that thou hast quck…
I raised the veil, I loosed the b… I took the dead thing from its pla… Like a warm stream in frozen lands My lips went wandering on her face… My hands burnt in her hands.
THIS POEM, DEDICATED… To twilight heads comes Death as… As with the gentle fading of the y… Fades rose, folds leaf, falls frui… Unquestioning draw near,
The mind is Beauty’s thief, the p… The golden spendthrift’s trail amo… Where she stands tossing silver in… And twisting bright swift threads… Her ring the poppy snatches, and t…
I am not true, but you would pardo… If you could see the tortured spir… Its place beside you in the dark,… Your daily food of love and kindli… You’d guess the bitter thing that…
‘I thought you loved me.’ ‘No, it… ‘When we stood there, closer than… Was shining and queer in your hair… ‘That made you?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Just the… Under the tree?’ ‘Well, your mout…
ASK not my pardon! For if one ha… Once to forgive the god that he ha… No further creed Can that god give; but 'neath the… Lies bruisèd like a reed.
Did he forget? . . . I do not rem… All I had of him once I still hav… He was lovely to me as the word, ‘… As the taste of honey and the smel… What if he forget if I remember?