
Quotes from the heart...

those little lines our ears pick up and our mind can't put down remembered for a reason to be passed on and on until it touches the heart it was meant for...

The only time you should ever look down on anyone...
                   Is when your helping them up...
It takes teamwork to make the dream work...
I’ve seen a poor man live in a rich man die because they lack with the other supply...
If you don’t stand for something then you will fall for anything...
One who can kneel before God can stand before anyone...
Never do anything for anyone and expect something in return because you’re doing it for the wrong reason...
The only way to defeat your enemy is by making them your friend..
There are three things that cannot long be hidden the Sun the Moon and the truth...
The only stupid question there is is the question that you don’t ask...
So lost in society all the wrong things inspire me...
As iron sharpens iron so a man sharpeneth the conscience of his brother...
Success is made up of 90 percent inspiration and 10 percent perspiration...


Inspired by many understood by few...some of which are AA/NA, Trent Shelton, Buddha, friends, fam, and that crazy guy in the bus once and a while..

