Caricamento in corso...

Come Together Now

All I’ve seen and all I’ve known
Won’t replace what I’ve been told
Swept off my feet, beset my soul
I fell from grace, cast in the cold
Castigated and compromised
It’s hard to tell what comes around
Love and hate sit side by side
It’s complicated and then you’re bound
Live and learn! is all they say
You’re shovelled around, play by play
Panic strikes, your soul is bare
Spirit’s high, it’s all you care
People stare and people talk
Don’t look back, just walk the walk
Your sanity is not bulletproof
Don’t despair, just be uncouth
Strip away misery and pain
Come rain or shine, you’ll remain the same
Steer away from all your troubles
Don’t just sit back, move your laurels!
Fight your way to happiness
Let the bad times roll, enjoy the rest
Because 'Reality’ is not all success
So don’t be fazed by fear and excess
Tucked away inside your soul
Molest your sorrow, let the truth be told
The more you learn, the less you know
The more you reap, the less you sow
Bounced around, floating adrift
Your anchor’s loose and your body shifts
A lifeline’s thrown and you try to grasp it
Tugged back home, salvation’s test
Carpe diem! all the way
Is not as easy as they all say
Slave away through sweat and tears
Don’t crash and burn, fend off your fears
No time to waste, many things to do
You cast your chances, nothing to lose
Don’t be trapped and keep on rolling
Honesty will keep you strolling
Ripped apart by insecurity
Your choice is yours, not mine to see
Look into your eyes and ask yourself
“Is the life I lead less than blessed?”
What your mama said was partly true
There’s more to life than you thought you knew
Drop your guard, follow your heart
And the bells will chime, this is just the start
