A heart so tender... A spirit so fierce... A body so lush... Eyes so deep and bottomless... Her skin like creamy silk..so beau…
Tis human to err, to make a mistak… And yet often, from slumber, I aw… Hoping, how Satan my soul could t…
When the sun is obscured, and the flowers becomes inert. When the day is complete I am ungrateful and I prefer to accompany death.
Screwed up family Nobody cares Neither does She In a world of darkness My life is total chaos
It’s been so long since I knew anything about you... At last I find myself face to face with myself. A Strange feeling
Romeo is dreaming, Like for what is want within his h… For taste of forever love, From his Juliet, a rose named ali… oh dear Juliet.
It won’t be easy, you’ll think it… When I try to explain what is rea… How I still need your help after… No, I mean really. All you will see is a poet, one wh…
It wraps around me Like a cold blanket Suffocating me I cannot break free No matter how hard I try
A morning walk through damp Valle… athletic runners passing me by, the way some human brains survive… and emerge capable of action and c… knowing my poetry may be recited a…
Hurting Hurting Hurting So deep inside Breaking
When I see through the glass I see through time where senses do not exist where fears evaporate I stand up
Last night an angel told me to fly… Through where there is no fire. That what has been suffered stays… and in prayers, I never died.
Keep at it until each of you can’t breathe and it’s hard to tell where you stop and she starts and you don’t know what day it is, or week it is, and you really don’t care. Imagine ways...
There I stand. I can see the world go by, interact with it through the magic of thought, but I am not there. I can not be hurt by those things for which I have no control or those thing...
I must not slay your dragons, It is not the right thing to do, I must not fight your demons, Because they only come for you, I will not take away the nightmare…