

Life is short, live love laugh.

When I thought I had a little bit more time
The Angel of death visited, and it all ran out
When I felt that soon I could hug him
Tell him how much I loved him
I will sing for him, my beloved dad
How I waited patiently for him
But from the Iraq field of war he never returned
Just like that I had run out of time with him
The angel of darkness is Unpredictable you know
It was on my birthday, a day before hers
I wrote her message to wish her a wonderful day
We promised to contact each other, discuss what we did
Unfortunately, with my closest friend I ran out of time
I regretted not contacting her soon, not calling or texting
I wished I had shared my birthday experience
However, the Angel never tells when he visits
The Angel of Death never prepares you
But like last time with him, unexpectedly he just visits
The coffee date we promised to go for together
We set dates, we changed them
But time just run out
“Postponing is the mother of failure”, they say
“But it is mother of regret, pain”, I say
It makes time silently run out
Time passes, days pass, months pass
With each year, years of stay here reduce
The Angel never warns though
While you think you have time, silently he creeps in
And your end is near, but still he never warns
His employer, time seems to be
It knows it’s running out but silent it also remains
It silently watches as your plans you set
Like the birds of the air make their nests
Like the ants store food in preparation for winter
Like the wonders and mysteries of the vast ocean
Like the seven wonders of the world
So is the Angel of death
No explanation whatsoever can a living man give
One leaves and sleeps never to return or to wake up
And a mystery it remains since time immemorial
Pain beyond explanation it causes
Like a heart pierced by a sword, in pain and dying
Like a running tap, from red swollen eyes our tears roll
Never seeing our loved ones, unimaginable it is
We mourn, weep, almost run mad for losing them
But death never returns those it takes
As sad, shocking and painful as it is
Truth it is, so just live love laugh and enjoy life

We all have limited time here on earth. We plan things with our loved ones, acquaintances and colleagues but we never know if we will have enough time to fulfil them all. Live, laugh enjoy life and do not schedule for tomorrow what you can do today for life is short.

Autres oeuvres par Mary Wanjiku Wainaina...
