Caricamento in corso...

All of Me

Hand in hand with my husband, I am a wife
Cuddling my daughter, I am a mother
Cooking dinner for my family, am I a cook?
Cleaning house for my family, am I a housekeeper?
Alone, apart from all,
who am I? Sitting here away from duties
of motherhood and marriage,
who am I?
Who am I? I am me.
A painter who loves the art on canvas.
A writer who loves the art of language.
This is me, apart from all.
Yet this is me, altogether.
The mother and painter who paints with her
daughter and loves the little painter’s work.
The mother and writer who reads to her
daughter and loves that she adores words.
The wife and writer who expresses love
through words in poetry.
This is me. Yes, this is me.


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