
unbeknownst versers n. 1– this little and fragile always of mine

under this gray suburban sky
time goes away from us
she can’t stand us anymore
our little
and fragile indifference,
she has lost her patience
seeing all this ignoble unusual violence
and arrogance and oblivion
I know it
I know that time doesn’t love us anymore
we have betrayed her too many times
I know it
that’s why I inhale strongly and exhale slowly
as if time was the little breeze that my lungs can please
with every breath I take
I know it
that’s why I remain silent and listen
under this gray suburban sky I keep every single word I hear
as a little tiny drop in a desert plain
I know it
I have just one sip of water
and little compassion left
I will try to make them last
until the end of this little and fragile always of mine
under this gray suburban sky
sotto questo grigio cielo di periferia
il tempo va via lontano da noi
non sopporta più la nostra piccola e fragile indifferenza
non ha più pazienza
di guardare tutta questa ignobile inusitata violenza
e arroganza e oblio
io lo so
so che il tempo non ci vuol più bene
l’abbiamo tradito troppe volte
io lo so
per questo inspiro forte ed espiro piano piano
come se il tempo fosse il poco vento che i miei polmoni riescono ad accogliere
ad ogni sospiro
io lo so
per questo rimango in silenzio ed ascolto
Marco Bo

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