As I sit here, alone I wonder Why is it I want you Why do I feel like
I’m all about the kill chase them hard when they’re
Snowing here Just like when I was there with you when I met you the first time
Guy - Scorpio tattoo, birth sign?
I have to find... what is it that I wish to find... (bartender another) I see the bottom
She stood motionless Captured and cursed To be the devils mistress Screaming to be free Oh, but you may never be
Theory: Everything must be comple… Hypothesis: Everything must make… Conclusion: We are tiny circles… Truth: There are no sides to a ci… “We are tiny circles searching for…
I felt the hands of heaven Reached down and Put you into my arms I felt like that is where You are supposed to stay
There is energy from some place like the desert
I want you Just like a drug Feed me I need more Insatiable appetite
Never thought I could feel this what you do to me what you’ve done to me Turned my world upside down
Strange... newness Just when you think That you have everything That you have it all A stranger walks in
I was running To catch the horse In the snow From the bus I jumped into
Look maybe I don’t know don’t
This morning I’ve woke awoke with almost