
I Miss Her


She’s 4 and the happiest little girl in the world
We play outside and roll down the little hill in the yard
She laughs at all the grass in my hair
Will it be like this forever?
She’s 8 and loves to play with dolls
She lets me be Barbie so I don’t get upset
When we play the Wii she’s Mario and I’m Luigi
Will it be like this forever?
She’s 12 and we argue like crazy
We love each other fiercely but seem to only show it by yelling
Will it be like this forever?
She’s 16
Lots of boys have broken her heart
She won’t stop breathing in the chemicals
We still fight and I miss my best friend
Will it be like this forever?
She’s 20
Boys still keep breaking her heart
I pretend I’m fine with the chemicals
But she looks sick and I know she’s sad
I don’t want to make her upset by talking about it
She knows I disagree with her
Will it be like this forever?
—I hope not, I haven’t seen my sister in a long time

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