
The Icarus to Her Sun

When they met

There he stood, staring intently into the windows of her soul. Her breath quickened; her heart was throbbing so hard she could barely think straight!
He had waited for years for this moment; she had dreamed of it for ages. And now that it had arrived, so surreptitiously, with such suddenness, she was choking under the weight of all those unfulfilled desires, overwhelmed by the temerity of his presence.
The first time he knew that he knew her, he had mused, “The night must be dark just to watch her shine in her most effulgent form!” And she glowed brighter than the sun for him. And he had basked in her radiance till he melted away.
She had become aware of how brightly her soul burned his. She feared he was the Icarus to her Sun. So close was he that his wings had started melting. She had pulled away despite the tumult in her soul, the ache in her heart and flesh.
Now that they met again, he was drawn to her like a moth to the flame. He was breathing her. She was consuming him. And the world collapsed around them, letting love be. Everything was perfect, the river had found the sea.

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