
Ode to Guardians

When God made me in His own image
He thought He had done his job right.
He sent me out into this world
With free will and the strength to fight.
Then He saw how Despair got the better of me
And He knew He couldn’t be everywhere.
So He made me a Mother and a Father He made
To love and be loved by, in unrelenting care.
Like a gardener who nurtures the seed he sows
With water and sun into a green young plant,
Mother kept me safe and sound in her womb,
Father caressed me with his gentle hand.
When first I had a voice, I cried many nights.
Mother lay awake, singing me lullabies.
When I finally knew the use of my legs,
Father picked me up when I failed my trials.
As I grew, I demanded food every day;
Mother cooked to feed me day and night!
When I exhausted myself with studies and games,
Father tucked me in, and switched off the light.
How I grew more, how my wings took flight!
Mother loved me enough to hold me close.
But like a rebel teen, I broke the shackles!
Father said nothing, but opened the doors.
I flew from the nest as fast as I could,
Leaving behind pairs of watery eyes -
Those I noticed not, nor cared to heed!
For the dream of youth, elsewhere lies.
They longed for me and wished me well.
Their son was grown, his world had changed.
My world had no place for their little needs!
How quickly the plant and the gardener were estranged!
When my needs grew and my desires swelled,
Father toiled harder, his blood turning to sweat!
They fulfilled every wish as best they could.
Not a grateful word from my end was said.
Alas! Joy but lasts a fleeting while.
Friends turn strangers when storms ensue.
The path grows dark and legs grow weary.
Mother and Father– they remain by you.
Not gratitude, nor apology fills the chasm
‘Tween thankless self and such divine love.
With much grace they embrace their prodigal son!
I know now! God resides HERE, not in a Heaven above.
Oh Mother! Oh Father! Forgive your ignorant child.
Your love for me is like the boundless sea!
All the knowledge in the world cannot
Compare with the wisdom you imparted me.
I stand empty-handed with nothing to give.
How invariably worthless I feel inside!
I hope I can someday grow up in your eyes
And calling me YOUR son fills you with pride.

Other works by Kingshuk Mitra...
