Let her be, stop pushing. Every hit is a slayer, killing her slowly. Why you don’t value her love? That is all she wanted.
This is the world I dream about. A world filled with light, love an… One joined with the ONE, a world without fears, were humankind can be free.
My silence speaks tonight in the darkness of my own despair. I keep it up, I put a bandage in those wounds that nobody cares. They say the sky is the limit, but for heavens God please t...
It was a waste my darling, my precious time. Caring for someone who didn’t care… It was a waste, a deep despair. I let my soul rest and heal.
Por tanto tiempo me perdí en la pé… Dormí un largo instante; y al desp… Lejos de la perfección, sometida a… Cuanto te perdí en la búsqueda del… Tuve que cerrar los ojos y ver con…
I encountered myself in a black ho… Wondering around, no idea, no clue… But, here you are. Believing in me much more than I… Why you cross my path now?
Cover me with your fire, stand beside me, set me free. I need your warmest touch, until we forget the dust.
Rise heart of mine you are so beautiful, please do see. Rise up and fly you’re free.
Que después me deleite tu mirada y… Que me abrace el despertar de tus… Quiero sentir la lejanía de tus be… Quiero todo lo nuestro tirado en l… Déjame beberte a la despedida, déj…
How grateful I am to have you. This moment we both share, in love… you, my true lost love. I walked away from you. Maybe I was scared of your immens…
A primera vista supe cómo pasaría todo, serías mío unos momentos, ma… te perdería luego, trasnochado; de… que no dan valor al fuego. ¡Cállate! le gritaba la vida a est…
She was an infant slayer, she broke his heart to fix the damage of his unspoken demons. She knew he was hurt, she knew he was dying inside, but he didn’t
Only this person who you create yo… Not more, not less. All the void shows, the blank spac… This game has started. Yes, it’s on.
At the meadowlands of nowhere, I… Freedom becomes a mastery over mys… Yes, because we can fly. We taste the odds, we grow like a… Somehow, nobody knows really what’…
Me paso pensando en el pedazo de c… Tu mi sinceridad, la calma, la vid… Tu la fragilidad que dibuja tu son… Bebe mis adentros, enciende mi cue… intercala mis sueños.