
Your last poem:

Yes, it is definitive ...
You forgot about me.
This time you let me go completely.
This time I have to settle with the idea of our last time.
And I feel as every tear is a dream that commits suicide.
And I can’t save them
—And I don’t want to save them. -
And I wanted so much to love you ...
—If you only knew —
This time is forever
My legs die just to think about it …
And this is the last poem I write to you ...
This is the last breath I dedicate to you and
the last tears that carry your name:
—Farewell... —
Goodbye my sweet love…
                                                   —Goodbye —
Goodbye to your hands…
                                                   —Goodbye —
Goodbye to your smile…
                                                   —Goodbye —
Goodbye to your voice…
                                                  —Goodbye —
Goodbye to your eyes…
                                                  —Goodbye —
Goodbye to your body…
                                                  —G… -
Goodbye to your body…
                                                 —Goodbye to his body… -
I say goodbye to you my love,
I let go of you,
and with you goes my heart,
That departures through my throat with this last sob that whispers your name.

Otras obras de K. ...
