Caricamento in corso...

My Choice

To my daughter who reminds me of life still ahead can be precious

I swear if I was going to drink
Today would be it
I’ve made up every excuse to justify
But I simply can’t afford it
It’s not because of money
Or because I can’t live without
I don’t know what to do right now
I think I’m going to pout
The pressure weighs heavily
Upon my shoulders today
Should I go get my car keys
Or simply throw them away
Then something stops me dead in my tracks
When I look behind me down the hall
Where a little 8 yr old girls is happily sleeping
Who has always looked at me in awe

I have struggled for years now with the wicked beast of alcohol as a mind and thought consuming disease sometimes stopping and remembering what I have to live for gets me through another day at a time Thank You. To Sarah


Altre opere di Karen Elizabeth Miller...
