
My Ideal Man

My Ideal Man is a keeper, a man of real substance
He doesn’t judge my actions and gives me love in abundance
My Ideal Man is not boastful, humility is key
He is kind and content yet full of mystery
My Ideal Man is patient and accepts all my flaws
He indulges in my humour and lets me lay down my laws
My Ideal Man celebrates my existence with a kiss on the cheek
His magnificent body makes me oh so weak
My Ideal Man is gentle, My Ideal Man is King
His sweet gentle caresses make me laugh and sing
My Ideal is not perfect, oh no he’s far from it
He loves me in a way that only he sees fit
My Ideal Man is an epithany of what a real man should be
He puts me on a pedestal that only I can see
My Ideal Man is not violent, he’s as soft as a bear
He captivates my heart with a soft longing stare
My Ideal Man completes me together we are one
He has an effervescent glow, shining brighter than the sun
My Ideal Man compliments me, together we have swaggerHis dance moves however, are a far cry from Mick Jaggers
For if any one should ask what my Ideal Man would beI would tell them that he would have to be a part of me
Otras obras de Kadie Jalloh...
